Dorian mode chord chart

Dorian mode is used in pop and jazz and especially in minor key arrangements.

The chart with chords in Dorian mode shows the relationship of all triads in this mode. In the 1st column you can see the key note of the mode and on the same row the other chords that fits together with it.

Chords in Dorian modes

i ii III IV v viĀ° VII
D#m E#m F# G# A#m B#dim C#
G#m A#m B C# D#m Fdim F#
C#m D#m E F# G#m A#dim B
F#m G#m A B C#m D#dim E
Bm C#m D E F#m G#dim A
Em F#m G A Bm C#dim D
Am Bm C D Em F#dim G
Dm Em F G Am Bdim C
Gm Am Bb C Dm Edim F
Cm Dm Eb F Gm Adim Bb
Fm Gm Ab Bb Cm Ddim Eb
Bbm Cm Db Eb Fm Gdim Ab
Ebm Fm Gb Ab Bbm Cdim Db
Abm Bbm Cb Db Ebm Fdim Gb
Dbm Ebm Fb Gb Abm Bbdim Cb

So, for example, in D Dorian, the chords Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim and C will work well together.

Dorian chord progressions

Here are some examples with progressions based on the Dorian mode:

Am - G - Bm (A Dorian)

B5 - D5 - E5 - B5 - A5 - D5 - B5 (B Dorian)

Cm - F - Bb (C Dorian)

C#m - G#m - B - C#m (C# Dorian)

Dm - G - Cadd9 (D Dorian)

Em - A - D (E Dorian)

F#m - A - E (F# Dorian)

Dorian is one of the most used modes and common in jazz and rock with plenty of other styles.

Four-note chords in Dorian modes

i ii III IV v vi VII
D#m7 E#m7 F#maj7 G#7 A#m7 B#m7b5 C#maj7
G#m7 A#m7 Bmaj7 C#7 D#m7 Fm7b5 F#maj7
C#m7 D#m7 Emaj7 F#7 G#m7 A#m7b5 Bmaj7
F#m7 G#m7 Amaj7 B7 C#m7 D#m7b5 Emaj7
Bm7 C#m7 Dmaj7 E7 F#m7 G#m7b5 Amaj7
Em7 F#m7 Gmaj7 A7 Bm7 C#m7b5 Dmaj7
Am7 Bm7 Cmaj7 D7 Em7 F#m7b5 Gmaj7
Dm7 Em7 Fmaj7 G7 Am7 Bm7b5 Cmaj7
Gm7 Am7 Bbmaj7 C7 Dm7 Em7b5 Fmaj7
Cm7 Dm7 Ebmaj7 F7 Gm7 Am7b5 Bbmaj7
Fm7 Gm7 Abmaj7 Bb7 Cm7 Dm7b5 Ebmaj7
Bbm7 Cm7 Dbmaj7 Eb7 Fm7 Gm7b5 Abmaj7
Ebm7 Fm7 Gbmaj7 Ab7 Bbm7 Cm7b5 Dbmaj7
Abm7 Bbm7 Cbmaj7 Db7 Ebm7 Fm7b5 Gbmaj7
Dbm7 Ebm7 Fbmaj7 Gb7 Abm7 Bbm7b5 Cbmaj7


The second table show four-note chords, but it can of course be extended to five-note chords as well. One of the most noticeable changes compared to the first table is the vi chord that change from a diminished triad to half-diminished.

This is for example a good way to find progression based on Roman numerals. For example, the very common jazz progression iim7 - IV7 - VIImaj7 can be demonstrated in several modes and variations:

Dm7 - G7 - Cmaj7 (D Dorian)

Cm7 - F7 - Bbmaj11 (C Dorian)

Ebm9 - Ab13 - Dbmaj9 (Eb Dorian)

Some other examples including four-note chords:

Am - Am7 - Am6 (A Dorian)

Gm7 - Am7 - C6 - Fmaj7 (G Dorian)

Dm7 - Eb9 - Cm7 (C Dorian)

Em7 - Dsus2 - A7sus4 - Em7 (E Dorian)

Dorian is one of the most used modes and common in jazz and rock with plenty of other styles.

See also:

Lydian mode chord chart
Mixolydian mode chord chart
Phrygian mode chord chart