Pentatonic chord chart

The main pentatonic scales are minor and major variants. They are not considered as keys, but a set of chords can be nevertheless be based on these scales.

The first table with chords shows the relationship of all triads based on the Pentatonic minor scale. Since the scale consist of five notes, there are five chords included in the table. The Roman numerals refer to the related natural minor scale.

Chords based on Pentatonic minor

Key i III iv v VII
A#m A#m C# D#m7 E#m7 G#5
D#m D#m F# G#m7 A#m7 C#5
G#m G#m B C#m7 D#m7 F#5
C#m C#m E F#m7 G#m7 B5
F#m F#m A Bm7 C#m7 E5
Bm Bm D Em7 F#m7 A5
Em Em G Am7 Bm7 D5
Am Am C Dm7 Em7 G5
Dm Dm F Gm7 Am7 C5
Gm Gm Bb Cm7 Dm7 F5
Cm Cm Eb Fm7 Gm7 Bb5
Fm Fm Ab Bbm7 Cm7 Eb5
Bbm Bbm Db Ebm7 Fm7 Ab5
Ebm Ebm Gb Abm7 Bbm7 Db5
Abm Abm Cb Dbm7 Ebm7 Gb5


The iv and v chords are correctly written iv(no5) and v(no5) since the fifth interval is omitted in both occasions. The VII chord is a power chord since the third interval doesn't fit with the pentatonic minor.

Pentatonic minor chord progressions

Here are some examples of progressions:

E5 - G - A5 - F#5 (Em Pentatonic)

Cm - Bb5 - Eb5 (Cm Pentatonic)

D - F#m7 - Bm (Bm Pentatonic)

Chords built from the pentatonic minor is not optimal for creating progressions in all styles, but is especially a viable choice when it comes to rock.

Chords based on Pentatonic major

Key I ii iii V vi
C# C# D#sus2 E#5 G#sus4 A#m
F# F# G#sus2 A#5 C#sus4 D#m
B B C#sus2 D#5 F#sus4 G#m
E E F#sus2 G#5 Bsus4 C#m
A A Bsus2 C#5 Esus4 F#m
D D Esus2 F#5 Asus4 Bm
G G Asus2 B5 Dsus4 Em
C C Dsus2 E5 Gsus4 Am
F F Gsus2 A5 Csus4 Dm
Bb Bb Csus2 D5 Fsus4 Gm
Eb Eb Fsus2 G5 Bbsus4 Cm
Ab Ab Bbsus2 C5 Ebsus4 Fm
Db Db Ebsus2 F5 Absus4 Bbm
Gb Gb Absus2 Bb5 Dbsus4 Ebm
Cb Cb Dbsus2 Eb5 Gbsus4 Abm


The ii chord can also be played as iisus4.

Pentatonic major chord progressions

Here are some examples of progressions:

A5 - Dsus4 - G (G Pentatonic)

C5 - E5 - Am (C Pentatonic)

G#m - C#sus2 - B (B Pentatonic)

C# - A#m - D#sus4 (C# Pentatonic)

Also in this case, rock is the typical genre.

See also:

Dorian mode chord chart
Lydian mode chord chart
Phrygian mode chord chart
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